When can 5 a side football be played again after Coronavirus measures are eased?
Our 5 a side football outdoor leagues will restart straight after Easter (Tuesday 6th April onwards)
The Government’s announcement on 22nd of February regarding the Covid-19 roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions means we can look forward to the safe return of outdoor 5 a side football.
Current league seasons / teams
Matches have been rescheduled and fixtures can be found here: https://5aside.com/fixtures/
Looking to join a 5 a side football league?
Registrations for new seasons are open*
*New teams/seasons remain subject to 5aside.com’s terms and conditions. Please also note that due to COVID restrictions start dates are subject to change)
As well following the FA’s Covid-secure guidelines (see Coronavirus guidelines below), our leagues have more features than what other leagues have to offer.
From FA trained refs to top 5 a side, 6 a side, and 7 a side 4G and 3G pitches, quality 5 a side footballs, and easily accessible venues, our mission is to ensure that you can enjoy your time on and off the pitch.
5aside.com™ run 5 a side leagues in North, South, West, East, & Central London.
If you’re looking for a London 5 a side football league near you, check out our leagues…
Covid-Secure Guidelines
Before the game
- As always player appearances will be inputted (by the ref) and visible online which assists ‘NHS test and trace’ if ever needed.
- Personal hygiene measures should be carried out by everyone and hand sanitisers brought to and used at the match venue.
- If you want to warm up/train with a ball you must bring your own football.
- No bibs provided: Teams should wear same kit or same colour shirts.
- Players should arrive changed and ready to take part.
- Use of facilities, changing rooms and toilets should be kept to a minimum.
During the game
- When the ball goes out of play it should be retrieved using the feet rather than the hands where possible.
- Players must not spit and should avoid shouting or raising their voices when facing each other, as detailed in The FA Covid-19 Code of Behaviour.
- Set plays: players are encouraged to avoid unnecessarily long set-ups or close marking.
- No sharing of keeper gloves.
- Subs should not group together and should spread out which aligns with wider social distancing guidance.
- Match fee payments remain cashless.
After the game
- No handshaking: 5aside.com usually advocate this sporting gesture wholeheartedly, but for now its no handshaking.
- Hands should be washed at the earliest opportunity and personal equipment should be wiped down with a disinfectant.
- Unless absolutely necessary, players should take their kit home and wash it themselves, or by family members.
- Post-Match showers should be taken at home.
- Everyone must continue to maintain social distancing including in any facilities where groups of people congregate (e.g. clubhouses).
- Everyone should leave following the traffic-flow system the club or facility provider has put place.
- Anyone who becomes infected after training/matches should report this to the NHS test and trace system.