Venues & Leagues in London

View our list of London leagues that have spaces currently available:

ⓘ All of our leagues are FA affiliated and include:

✅ Player stats: Assists, Goals, Caps & MOMs stats recorded by the ref and published live

Team pages with stats (compete with team mates!)

Player profiles with Goals, MOMs, Caps, Clean sheets, Assists-to-match ratio, Goal-to-match ratio stats (compete with the rest of the league and all leagues!)

✅ Player awards (and hall of fame): Golden Boot, Most Creative (most assists), Goalkeeper of the Season & Player of the Season

Champions team trophy, medals, bottle of fizz at the end of season ceremony

✅  Pitch side scoreboard/timer (no more asking the ref!)

Marylebone Tuesdays

Venue: Superb 3G pitch + showers
KOs: 19:00 | 19:40 | 20:20
Season: 12 matches over 14 weeks
Match fees: £65* per team per game
New season start date: 08.04.25
1 space(s)

Central location: Short walk from tubes/trains
Free street parking outside venue also available

3 Penfold St, London NW1 6RX

Marylebone Thursdays

Venue: Superb 3G pitch + showers
KOs: 19:00 | 19:40 | 20:20
Season: 12 matches over 14 weeks
Match fees: £65* per team per game
New season start date: 10.04.25
1 space(s)

Central location: Short walk from tubes/trains
Free street parking outside venue also available

3 Penfold St, London NW1 6RX

*Match fees prepaid for the season at £65 a game (a weekly payment option is also available)

Want a chat with a league manager? Shoot.

From realtime in-depth stats, player/team profiles to pitchside scoreboards, our 5 a side football leagues offer the ultimate 5 a side football experience. At™, we’re all about making sure you have the best possible playing experience. Our 5 a side football tournaments come with more features than what other leagues have to offer. From dedicated, FA trained refs to quality 5 a side, 6 a side, and 7 a side 4G and 3G pitches, quality 5 a side footballs, and venues that are easily accessible through public transport, our goal is to make sure that you can really enjoy your time on and off the pitch. We have 3G pitches near you in North, South, West, East, and Central London. So if you’re looking for a London 5 a side football league near you, get in touch and join today…