Venues & Leagues in London
View our list of London leagues that have spaces currently available:
ⓘ All of our leagues are FA affiliated and include:
✅ Player stats: Assists, Goals, Caps & MOMs stats recorded by the ref and published live
✅ Team pages with stats (compete with team mates!)
✅ Player profiles with Goals, MOMs, Caps, Clean sheets, Assists-to-match ratio, Goal-to-match ratio stats (compete with the rest of the league and all leagues!)
✅ Player awards (and hall of fame): Golden Boot, Most Creative (most assists), Goalkeeper of the Season & Player of the Season
✅ Champions team trophy, medals, bottle of fizz at the end of season ceremony
✅ Pitch side scoreboard/timer (no more asking the ref!)
Marylebone Tuesdays
Venue: Superb 3G pitch + showers
KOs: 19:00 | 19:40 | 20:20
Season: 12 matches over 14 weeks
Match fees: £65* per team per game
New season start date: 08.04.25
Central location: Short walk from tubes/trains
Free street parking outside venue also available
Marylebone Thursdays
Venue: Superb 3G pitch + showers
KOs: 19:00 | 19:40 | 20:20
Season: 12 matches over 14 weeks
Match fees: £65* per team per game
New season start date: 10.04.25
Central location: Short walk from tubes/trains
Free street parking outside venue also available
*Match fees prepaid for the season at £65 a game (a weekly payment option is also available)